Why do Indian’s rich grow richer and the poor , poorer ?
UncategorizedRich different for middle class people first i tell you about middle class people why rich people more richer and poor people more poor you know the reason i tell you

Middle class people
SO first i tell you about poor people WHY POOR PEOPLE MORE POOR I observe middle class people kept money in banks .
Mean middle class people invest our money in FD’s i hop you all know the all banks give 2 or 3% give returns in FD’s and another side your biggest enemy you know whose . I tell you inflation .
inflation is the biggest enemy of middle class people . I tell you WHY INFLATION IS THE BIGGEST ENEMY OF MIDDLE CLASS PEOPLE . In FD’s 2 or 3% banks give interest every year where inflation 15 to 20% increase every year it is the biggest difference of FD’s and inflation i hope you understand the percentage of FD’s and inflation.
it is not good and not bad also why i tell you because If you whole money invest in FD’S it is not good and that is the biggest mistake middle class people to play game our money .
and that’s is the biggest reason to middle class people whole life survive in middle class . that’s not a single reason to middle class to survive in middle class.
It’s many reasons now i tell second reason middle class people afraid to invest our money in stocks. middle class people’s said stock market is the game of gambling ,and biggest scam and wastes our money

Rich people
Now i tell you how rich more richer what’s the reason I tell you .
1. wealthy people not invest whole money in FD’S
2. wealthy people have multiple source of income
3. wealthy people 1st focus on passive income
4. wealthy people not afraid to taking risk
5. wealthy people not waste our time
1. Rich people not invest whole money in FD’S
wealthy people not invested whole money in FD’S because in FD’S bank give 2 or 3% returns every year Where another side inflation . In inflation every year 15 to 20% increase .
If rich people invest whole money in FD’S Then Never beat the inflation that’s the reason also rich people generate passive income because they beat the inflation
2. Rich people have multiple source of income
Rich people have multiple source of income it’s mean also rich people not depend a particular income it will generate many passive incomes . Now i tell you name that particular source of income .Rich people acquire
1. Real Estate business
2. Stock market mean investment
3. Affiliate marketing
4. Invest in gold or diamonds in future rate increase then they sell which they earn more profit
I tell you how you earn rich people doing same pattern follow
If you are serious to doing something first you observe what’s the problem faced todays people first you search go in market or deeply observe when you find problem after you think how I solve that problem Ask ourself .
if you solve that problem your earning money journey start if you start earn after think how i increases money where you invest mean if you small amount earn to acquiree finance knowledge readd some book like make epic money , rich dad poor dad , think and grow rich it is basic information provide you mean if you read these books you know how rich people think
3. wealthy people 1st focus on passive income
Q- what is passive income ?
passive income mean you are doing work one time but you generate money all time . i give you
Example – suppose you create your you tube channel you create a video suppose you uploaded your video at 8 O’clock at night ok.
after you eat food or you sleep your system close mean now you not working your your you tube channel you sleep you walkup in the morning in morning you open your you tube channel you are shocked because you generate 1.2k views
this example i tell you this youtuber i time work when create a video after he or she stop working . he or she not working then also he or she generate 1.2k views
4. Rich people not afraid to taking risk
Rich people not afraid to taking risk i will give you best example
Rich people also generate these type of passive income and generate more profit without any work
I will take Elon musk i hope you all know in 2024 richest person in the world
This man start space x company today time Elon musk run space x company today time this company net worth more than 3000 billion$ you know what’s the story behind Elon musk in space x company i tell you .
Elon musk make a rocket go to space and come back our earth without any restrictions that’s was the mission of Elon musk 1st time he launch rocket he fail
2nd time he launch rocket he fail .
3rd time he launch rocket again he fail and now Elon musk last chance because
This 4th time he left his house only that’s why Elon musk last chance if he fail he come in poor Category but Elon musk take risk he sell our house or extra another property this
4th time he will success our mission Elon musk not fail this mission he faith ourself he faith our ideas after this mission Elon musk come world most richest person in the world category
this case i tell you if you are doing something unique in the world whole world you know . start taking risk just now
5 Rich people not waste our time
Here not waste time mean here always acquire knowledge improve our skills like always learn about our business analysis our stocks our company finance etc.